...the part where they read the tweets. As a fukei, I naturally tend think of all these girls as my imoutos, leading to a stupid and ultimately impotent impulse to protect and shield them from undue harassment. I worry about this segment a lot; it's basically Russian Roulette. The stakes are that high for me. I don't even watch it, to be honest. This segment is when I usually tweet an update or post some screencaps or run to the toilet because of all the coffee I've been drinking because I have to get up before 5AM to watch LoGiRL for Christ sake.
I'm not even worried that someone will tweet them some obscene images - I don't think you can be reasonably shielded from things like that in Japan ...
My eyes...ze goggles do nothing!!!
...but even just trolling idiots calling them stupid, fat, ugly, untalented cancer to SG, or whatever.
And yes, I guess I'm worried about the pervy stuff too.
I just really, really hope someone is screening these tweets before the girls see them. Someone willing to take a cruel insult for them or jump in front and shield them from a stray diseased dick pic. There is enough that is wrong in this world - I want our girls to feel safe, happy and well-adjusted. I'm not ready to let their innocence slip away just yet.
So please, please let someone be watching out for them, screening those tweets.
Someone dependable, that is.
I guess one thing Japan and America seem to have in common is kids being exposed to all these inappropriate things. I hope people aren't making pervy posts about the girls. Wait, are they?